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American Medical ID is the corporate provider of medical IDs for SUPERVALU. Together we aim to increase awareness of the importance of those living with chronic medical conditions or drug/food/insect allergies to wear medical IDs.

Why is a Medical ID important?

Doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals recommend wearing a medical ID bracelet or medical alert necklace for those who have chronic conditions.

In an emergency situation, when you mighreft not be able to speak for yourself, a medical ID bracelet or necklace speaks for you. A medical ID can quickly communicate your name, condition, allergies, and medications. Often people choose to also include an emergency contact and telephone number so that a loved one quickly knows what is happening and where they need to be.

Medical IDs Save Lives

Symptoms of common ailments can easily be misdiagnosed. Prompt diagnosis is critical to effective treatment. A brief description of vital medical facts engraved on your medical ID ensures appropriate and timely medical care. More than 95 percent of emergency responders look for a medical ID; more than 75 percent check for a medical ID immediately upon assessing the patient. Wearing a medical ID can improve your chances of receiving proper care in an emergency.

A Medical ID could even save you money.

Accurate diagnosis and proper care in response to medical conditions listed on a medical ID can save time, money, and lead to fewer emergency room visits and lower hospital re-admittance. People who are wearing a medical ID during an emergency incur fewer costs than those who are not.