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How to Claim a Medical ID for Veterans

medical ID benefit for veterans medical ID benefit for veterans


Did you know? It is Veterans Health Administration (VHA) policy that medical ID bracelets and pendants must be available for qualifying veteran patients. Medical IDs are ordered by your VA doctor and provided, courtesy of your VA Prosthetics Department.

American Medical ID supports this directive and is actively spreading information on how our veterans can claim this benefit.


Steps to Claim Veterans Medical ID Benefit

*All orders must originate through a VA Medical Center or VA Clinic.
American Medical ID, a small business, has contract V797P-2296D with the Federal Supply Schedule to make custom engraved medical IDs available for veterans.

Step 1

Medical ID Order Form
Download your medical ID order form. Please note this is optional, as the form is not required. Download Now

Step 2

Engraving Your ID
Discuss your medical condition with your VA clinician, VA educator or other VA healthcare provider and determine what should be engraved on your ID.

Step 3

Processing Your Order
Your VA clinician will submit your order.


Who Should Wear a Medical ID?


Medical IDs are important, especially for veterans living with chronic medical conditions or those who suffer from injuries.

In the event of an emergency, wearing a medical ID bracelet or pendant allows responders and health care professionals to provide the best care our veterans deserve. For veterans and their families, having a medical ID allows them to enjoy and live life with peace of mind.


If you have any additional questions about how to get your free medical ID, call us at 800.363.5985.

The medical IDs pictured below are some of the qualifying medical IDs under this directive:
medical ids eligible for va benefit medical ids eligible for va benefit